Tuesday, May 31, 2011

it's tuesday, so someone please tell me.....

what the hell happened in my studio?
it looks like a bomb went off in here!

i may have to do something about that!
i hope everyone had a good weekend.....
it was very hot here yesterday..... so hot we put the ac on in the studio but bernie didn't put it in upstairs
so if you talk to me this week and i sound weird......it's partly from no ac at night
i am not sleeping well
i still have a sore throat and i sound rough from the lingering plague-i also lose my voice occasionally.

i want to thank everyone for the comments on my lace addiction.... remember i just knit them
i didn't design the patterns for them or dye the yarn for them
although some times i do...... lately i have been content to just pick out pretty colors and knit something that someone else did all the thinking about..... lately it seems enough just to handle picking out which pattern/which yarn--- i get like that from time to time. i think right now it's a matter of
 ''let me think about this house and drawing, and let knitting be escape"

i am gradually bringing my winter things down to the freezers to freeze for the summer. all the finished shawls you folks just saw are now sleeping in the deep freeze for the summer...to be followed by the hats and other knitted things...... i need those vacuum bags for the knitting i think, and i have wool winter coats that need to go as well....
maybe the down should too?

over the weekend, bernie started on the repairs on the deck......we got caught up with laundry that we werent' able to wash (no way to dry it with all the rain) and some odds 'n ends.....
and of course mucked pens
i have clean ducks!
i have clean chickens

today i need however to get back into my routine
i should move some compost into the garden now that it's so hot out and plant cuc's and pole beans
and i have to actually buy a damn tomato plant as the possum got my stuff
there is also a compost pile that could use a good turning out there
i have to do some work in this studio as well.....
i should also clean the bedroom but without ac up there i don't think so
maybe i will do part of the bathroom next time i'm up there using it

we have a lot of bbq left over (on purpose) from grilling yesterday....this way the house isn't hot during the week
i still want to get that chicken to can.........and roast a turkey to can
(plus can some dried beans)
i have to make some salads like mac salad and egg salad for cold meals with this heat
i would also imagine that my lettuces may bolt....we got one good cutting off them this weekend... and i pulled the spinach for the chickens as it was bolting as well
i'll have to plant something else in there eatable huh?
my snow peas aren't doing much, neither are my sugar snaps......too much rain for them then too hot
i am thinking we so need hoop houses now......
well everyone, i have to go now
start my week more or less
hope all is well with you folks

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