Friday, June 11, 2010

shhhh this is really friday but it's saturday's post

fair enough?

today was dulcette's day in the outside pen.... meanwhile i had 5 very annoyed chickens in the house.. bouncing out of the house pen and running all over the basement
tomorrow the chickens will all get together.....and who ever survives will be our chickens
(JUST KIDDING no one will die, i hope...! ......we'll referee them so no blood will be drawn but they have to reestablish pecking order)
ok today i got part of the kitchen done.... i would stand and work for 10 minutes then sit for 20 seemed to work ok
i also ordered some art supplies.... some of the paint i still needed, a brush.. odds and ends
what else?
paid bills......
washed two dirty duckies...... and hosed down a drake......(his libido was a bit, ahem... warm shall we say.... i cooled his ass off, literally......... hahahaha oye)

since the kitchen is now offically pulled completely apart...... we are having pizza.... the dishes are all cleaned but the kitchen is all apart
(not that i have COUNTER TOPS OR ANYTHING)

i got evidence from behind the dehydrator that we had mouse dances......

something needs to be done with this house and this kitchen NOW

ok let's see what else........ i am still popping handfuls of vitamin d
i never seem to get my levels up, they have tested me over the years and even if i take extra i'm ususally really low on it
so i figured no matter what i took it wouldn't hurt
as even when they did the 50,000 units i tested low after
maybe it's helping the tiredness?
although i could go right up to sleep NOW

ok since i typed that i realized.....i really can't keep my eyeballs open
sooooooooo night all
i will try and update you folks tomorrow afternoon

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