Saturday, June 05, 2010

po, feed store, library book sale......& midol for ducks?

bernie is off to the po for the mail while i am to be getting dressed for town.
he'll also go to the feed store
(we need shavings and duckling chow, as i did order ducklings, which ironically will be here by june 11 i think...... which was momma duck's duckling hatch date)

the annual library book sale is on and i would like to go there as well.
plus then vicki's house

tonight after the worst of the day's heat, we'll go to town again, this time for bug repellent for me, deep woods off. i am getting again bit up something terrible
we figured that last year and this year were the first two years i didn't use 'off' daily....... and i am a mess of bites........ so as much as we don't really want me to have more crap in my body...i have to use it
excessive amounts of garlic didn't work....apparently we have italian mosquitoes

in chicken news....dulcette continues to recover but also the feud between her and henrietta continues as well.
phoebe, poor thing is in a vile and totally crazed mood.....i will try and get a good picture of her in the full horror of her extreme molt....... this one was brought on by the heat/cold cycle we had
lilli is ok though
i wish there was midol for ducks...... seriously, she is a mess and totally upset.
she is so bad FALSTAFF is terrified of her.
that's bad
it takes a lot to terrify falstaff when there is a female around

meanwhile i am starting to do a lot around the house...bless my new balance tie shoes
i started washing rings for canning and putting them back on their strings
i toss them on the side of the sink and then do a mass wash up
next is the dehydrator
then the boards that are covering the bottom useless now broken cabinets.. (coffee ruined the boards..... don't ask..i HATE THIS KITCHEN)
*** you know, if i EVER got my dream house and dream kitchen......i think the shock would totally kill me***

so that is part of what i started yesterday, that and trying to fill the big planters with fresh soil on the deck ........
i want bernie to help me finish filling the next raised bed in the garden so i can put in some more eggplant and peppers and tomatoes ....maybe more beans or a squash or two
and then we start the fight against squash vine borers....
i would love to have spaghetti, zucchini, pattypan, and also pumpkin..... but the borers killed the vines and i don't think i got them fast enough so i got a real problem out there
i am planning on a trap and destroy approach this year......cause the bt while it sort of worked.......didn't work enough
now for next year, i think fresh beds....... fresh soil, and totally covered with insect cloth......
i may have to hand pollinate..
wonderful........ i have to assist plants to reproduce......

now i know i owe you all pictures..... but that will have to be later.
i have to get a shower and some townie clothes on
so i will no doubt talk to you all later

1 comment:

  1. Yup, and I have to get my act in order -- it's already 2 pm. We need to get teething things for Harry -- chewing on everything at 2.5 mo and I want the kind you chill or freeze. And something else I hope DH remembers what.... I'm still tired from the trip.


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