Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i have duckling hopes for today

since no ducklings came yesterday but my hope for alive healthy ducklings is getting dimmer.

meanwhile i was up most of the night, i realized it is because of pain.
i am in pain most of the time
tonight i take aspirin
and when the insurance is fixed (if it ever is) i go to the ortho

now to update you in poultry happenings (besides the ducklings that did not come yesterday)
i am starting to take the chickens out in a i can stuff 4 in there at a time.....
i may switch out to the big crate and stuff all six in
one trip is what i can handle
instead of six squirming chickens........ although really colette and dulcette don't give me any problems
henrietta and fudgie give me minimal problems
and of course babette and goldie give me tons of problems
gotta love them
i kept fudgie in yesterday and she played around all day until sometime around noonish before she actually STAYED in the nest to lay......took 2 or 3 hours for her to lay too.
she hogs the nests.........fudgie is a NEST HOG
the others don't like that
they won't share with her either
they chant at her 'nest hog' however it's in chicken-ese so it sounds like BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCC BBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCC
to the unskilled ear


phoebe continues in her homicidal maniac mood, with a distinct preference to killing lilli. she also looks a bit pale in the carunkling as well as heavy in the egg bulge area. i been making an effort to get her out to graze and to bath, it isn't easy as she is very flighty right now
so to speak
(she has no primary feathers yet, some tiny pink **from the blood vein** flights are starting to think about growing in, she looks pretty though)

lilli, who would prefer NOT to be killed by phoebe or anyone else is doing her lilli thing- generally following me around and going about her purposeful worm hunting and grazing activities.
she gives the raspberries to phoebe occationally but mostly is more interested in 'where's the worms, and where's mommy' respectively.
she isn't happy about being in the a frame and would also prefer to have the chickens NOT in the back day pen if possible, thank you very much.
she made me laugh yesterday as apparently i was on the phone talking to jen too long
she nibbled my foot......which is a wonderous thing
it feels cool too
it's sort of duck love
i love lilli but i really love lilli when she's sweet like that
at other times she tends to squeek at me
that duck makes me laugh---ok so all ducks make me laugh
they are just such DUCKS!
the chickens make me laugh too but in a different way

now i am supposed to be doing the ducklings crate thing
but i just want to fall asleep-coffee isn't helping at all at the moment.
if i could i would go back to sleep with the cats for an hour or two
how i am going to function with doing the house etc i don't know

so there you have it
if the ducklings come today i will post and let you all know

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