and not getting nearly as much done as i need to be.
i don't know if it is the weather changes or if it's something going south in my old lady body....or lack of sleep
anyway, today i woke up at 5am and stayed in bed with the cats reading a while.......we'll see how the day goes today
yesterday i got 4 pullet eggs, i had to wait a LONG time for fudgie to lay her egg....fudgie is truly a nervous chicken......she is chicken little i think. she darts here and there.... colette is a most satisfying chicken, she is the smallest, but she is the epitome of a happy busy chicken, industrious, busily scratching for tiny bugs and seeds that will be turned into eggs. not much bothers her, she is agreeable, and is the first to be picked up .... i really like that chicken
babette and goldie are loud...... they are i suppose average as chickens go
in duck news, we got a confirmation in the mail of the ducklings i ordered, they will be setting the eggs they said
i think that they should be here by at least when colleen gets here i hope, it takes 35 days to hatch muscovy and then whatever shipping is... 2 days?
i sat in the half finished garden yesterday, watching the chickens and trying to figure out what bed needs to be put in next.......along with what would be planted next, and i realized that if i am to settle on two years worth of harvest with rotating crops i need not only more space, but a lot of help from mother nature
i think the next beds will be the cold frames, so i know that i have them when i need them
i am hoping for one more open bed in time for late cabbage and some turnips and such........i hope
anyway, that's today
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