i am so excited
i made a magazine file out of a used priority mail box
(i had gotten yarn in it and it wasn't squished)
i crumbled brown craft paper and glued it on the cutdown box, and then waxed over with a mahagony wax
i am going to go over it again with a natural wax in a few days
also i am organizing
well ok so i'm trying
i printed some cool labels
and some labels are just me writing on them ( they sorta suck, i like the printed ones)
but i got my glues almost all together
AND i found one hot glue gun so i put it in with my hot glue sticks under the basket of adhesives
how cool is that???
(way cool i tell you....THIS part is fun)
anyway, i read somewhere that it should take about three months to redo a studio
well i don't know about that
it's taking me years and years and years
right now however i am finding all sorts of cool stuff
like the colored pencils i didn't realize i had
today it was that flash of AH HA with the glue basket and hot glue box
and my magazine file
now as i get used boxes i am going to make more of them
i need 5 to start
and then a place to put them
but i think i may have that place
cool huh.........?
maybe just maybe this time i will actually get this finished??
That is a great idea with the magazine holder. I've been picking up the plastic ones at thrift stores as I find them, and they're fine for the cooking mags, but too tall for the shelf where the fiber mags are. My mom used to use laundry detergent boxes, but they don't seem to make those anymore. Dishwasher soap boxes maybe? If you could ever get the smell out...