Friday, June 26, 2009

dead is all around

seems like that sometimes
truly death is all around
but we aren't usually that aware of it unless we are hospice workers,
morticians or goth
(or mass murderers, i suppose)

and all attempts at freezing time do not appear to work for very long

for taking a moment and saying 'this is perfect, let me stay here for a while'

i guess when we are in perfect moments, we feel they won't ever stop
isn't that part of the definition of perfect?

and now with the deaths of icons from the seventies, we all in our middle years
will admit our youth is gone

aging has always been surprising to me
i suppose with the arrogance of youth i felt that somehow i would not age
but at the same time, acting old
and feeling oh so old

the paradox of youth no?

i don't know about this summer, so far it's not a good one

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    It can sometimes be very unnerving to realize that we are not going to live forever. But death is as normal as living is. I don't believe it is horrible or frightening, it just is. We live, we love, and we die. It happens to every thing that lives on this plant. Fish, mammal, plants, bugs, whatever. It is the final act in the cycle of life.

    Summer? What Summer? How can we have Summer when we have yet to enjoyed a true Spring??


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