Monday, April 20, 2009

spring has arrived for real and certain

the apples are budding out
the lettuces are up and getting second leaves

and it's raining a bit today

if i can manage
i am going to put falstaff and his new wife out in the Aframe
we won't tell bernie ok?
cause he said i shouldn't do it
but i am feeling better and if i use the dolly i should be ok no?

i am going to have to not only NAME the new duck soon
but i have to teach her to go in and out on her own two feet

i am trying to get used to these new varifocal glasses
i haven't ever had bifocals or varifocals just single vision before
so it's a bit disconcerting
stairs ironically do not bother me
READING however does

and i realized i need two other things ( does it ever freeken END?)
i need a real computer desk with a drawer for the keyboard (cause this table isn't deep enough to put the monitor far enough away now with these new glasses)

and i need computer glasses


bernie fixed the oven and even put the new light bulb in it
and CLEANED IT for me
(it was a self cleaning but once a long time ago bernie cleaned it with oven cleaner while i was out and we haven't been able to use the self cleaning thing since)

it's so nice i just want to bake a ton!

i am still taking it easy
my back is still not perfect but a lot better
it is 'twingie'
and 'poppie'

i am probably going to have to go back
but it's hugely better
i can bend over again............very slowly but without pain and without ASPIRIN or tylanol

so i count that as getting better
also i am not in the constant pain
which almost drove me over the edge

a friend of mine is coming down friday
i can't wait to see her

i have to clean the bathroom
and i need to make her a casserole for lunch
she loves casseroles and soup

i was hoping the lettuces would be up enough for a dinner salad
and it would be warm enough for the patio table etc to come out
but bernie didn't think the weather warrented the furniture
and the lettuces JUST got their second leaves
it amazes me how the plants germinated but just sort of 'hung' there
after the past few days of heat........boom second leaves

now we got rain so they should be happy
and i need to fertilize them

seaweed and fish for this meal for the plants
manure tea for the next

and cat hair all over them cause we got a cheeky squirrel that likes to dig in my planters

ha TAKE THAT you pesky squirrel...........

next it will be BLOOD MEAL
and you hate that

ok nature calls so off i go

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Believe me, there is no need to fuss over anything on my behalf. But yes, I do love cassaroles and soup.

    After you read this, peek at my gardening blog. Spring is not here yet, and I can prove it! :(


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