Monday, April 27, 2009

69 degrees

when i woke up at 6am
i am thinking i am going to have fussy duckies
but i am thinking also that i am going to have COFFEE out on the deck this morning

as bernie put up the table and umbrella so i can watch the trees leaf out
my duckie video may have been a disaster

i am trying to upload duckie video

this is my second try
i can't believe i got them on the camera

a whole two minutes of them!!!
complete with lillianna squeaking at me

which reminds me
i have to get them out now
so i will do that i think while this is loading and processing

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Out for a little walk and then a bath?? Looks like fun, and they don't bitch too loudly, so it can't be too upsetting..........LOL

    Sorry about the neighbor's cat. He didn't ask to belong to them, and it's a shame they cared so little.

    Thanks for the great time, the good food, and wonderful company the other day. I totally enjoyed myself and it did wonders for my nerves. The trip went very well and Dudley behaved himself at Sis's place, and didn't seem to mind his diaper at all. I made it tighter, it worked much better after that. Is he forgiven yet? I'm so embarrassed!!


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