Friday, April 17, 2009

i hadda dream

it was pretty weird but a nice change from my normal nightmares
(there was a study that happened years ago.......seems art students had more nightmares then other folks....duh)

a singer ( i think it was stevie wonder)
recieved either a large skein of yarn........or a knitted scarf/shawl
and started to bow to the right
he was facing a crowd of people
next thing i know
these cool bright multicolored low slung carton dragons joined him
for song and dance
and before i knew it
they were animated in the air dancing

it was a benefit for breast cancer

(yup weird dreams, but if you've read this blog for any length of know that already)

today (right now actually) my friend carol is under the knife
double radical mastectomy and reconstruction
i keep calling it her boob job and tummy tuck

she's a bit scared

i am too

i don't want anything to happen to her

she is a wonderful person
you folks should know her

she also is funny as hell
talk about lucy and ethel

if you can give her a few thoughts today
i told her i would sit on her shoulders during surgery and tell her dirty jokes in her ear while they operate


  1. Not sure if she is out or not, but still sending prayers to Carol for a speedy recovery and to your back!

  2. sjanova8:20 PM

    Vi, did you hear from Carol's family after her surgery? Any update??


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