Monday, April 06, 2009


it's not as much fun as it sounds

sandie are you sure it's not contagious?

my friend sandie has had a bad bout with sciatica
and thanks to my mom i am prone to it as well

guess what?
it flared up BAD sunday
it was hovering since thursday night when i cut my toe nails
i couldn't get my left leg up!
it's so bad my stomach hurts and i can't eat!
now i am wandering around with tylanol extreme arthritus in me as well as asprins
and the ice packs
i can only sleep inclined
and i can't sit for very long

i think sandie got hers from sitting too long and spinning

i got mine from sitting too long and drawing

anyway today it's DARK
and painful
took me over an hour to get the ducks out
poor things wanted to graze
i needed to get in and sit for a bit

now i need to get up and walk for a bit

til next time

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Don't you dare blame my spinning for my sciatica problem!! That can't be true because I plan to spin more and more.

    You struggle to get the ducks out, and for me it was getting the dogs out. Those first 3-4 hours in the morning are the worst, aren't they??

    Hang in there and know that I can feel your pain, literally!!


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