Sunday, May 30, 2010

i still can't wrap my head around yesterday

momma duck is gone
i don't understand it
we think it was heart issues left over from that pneumonia last fall
we think that she wasn't right when we got her from the duck farm                      all i keep thinking is...... what kind of heart does it take for an essentially wild duck to trust someone so much that i could handle her like i handle all the other ducks here, the ones i raised from a few hours old? and how can we all manage without her

this is momma duck in the back of the day pen look at her chubby little cheeks, aren't they the cutest? she was such a pretty little duck. i am going to miss her so very much


  1. Vi,

    I am so sorry for your loss.


  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Vi,my thoughts are with you...


  3. A coyote got one of our last chickens on Saturday. I had my back to them and the coyote did not miss the chance to get a chicken dinner. The next thing I knew, feathers were flying, chickens were airborne and I saw the marauder heading into our woods with one of our girls.

    The rest were so spooked, they went to the coop early.

    DH & DD had seen this coyote before. Sigh, I will have to be more careful and stand with them when they are dust bathing and such. I think he or she got one of the girls who like to get away from the rest of the flock. There's one more like that, so we might lose her, too.

    Mama duck looks so beautiful in that photo, I know you miss her terribly.

  4. Hi Vi, Sorry to hear about Momma duck. I sent a comment before but I guess it didn't go through.


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