if i have a liver left after the extreme amount of Tylenol arthritis and aspirin i have been swallowing
i am still in pain but not that excruciating hot burning blinding pain.
i felt so useless for a few days, and indeed i was, as i couldn't draw, knit, hold a book, cook, garden or even dress myself.
figures that the day would have been a really nice day, and that my neglected chores are piling up now.i want to grow a bed of spinach for the freezer this fall, and lettuces in the cold frame.
i had also wanted leeks but i think that it's too late for them now .......
ok since i am tentatively back in the land of the productive again, i am going to start another 'big' black and white drawing of the girls....this time in the garden hunting worms, and following that with momma on her eggs (which if the eggs are viable, they are due to hatch on june 11..mark the calenders)
i may even have at least one of those drawings done by then....
i still want to do egg tempera. i am slowly gathering supplies.
i have to try the watercolor methold at first as i don't have pigments yet.
and i need to get a few grounds
i am keenly aware that with egg tempera you need top quality supplies or it won't work
so it's slow
ok i have to stop typing now
as my shoulders are actively burning
I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well, Vi. I really miss you on Facebook :-)