Wednesday, May 12, 2010

feather care is so important

these are actually from last summer, as the weather here is pretty bad lately..... no baths on the driveway. i miss my girls. i so love to see them bathing in the sun. they happily splash water all over. the droplets sparkle light diamonds. it always makes me so happy when they are doing that. now THAT i wish i could video and slow down the images. thousands of tiny drops of shimmering flashing water- it's better then any grand fountain in oh so many formal gardens.... gees i love my ducks. hahahaha.    now in garden news, we have bean sprouts!!!! yeah for bean sprouts! it's the tendergreen bush beans, or the soleil, and i think that the indy gold wax beans are sprouted as well..... along with some beets, carrots and radishes....and i hope what is really nasturium... and i think that the marigolds are thinking about it.  i am hoping that i can get the other beds in soon. i want to get my pole beans in, and the squash stuff as well as the tomatoes etc.......i hope it is a good summer but i doubt it.......

ok i am running late and behind...blame my sinus headache
and i forgot i was writing this
i was out with the's cold, rainy and a bit greenish out....the sort of weather i imagine that nature spirits adore....
now i am going to take myself to my drawing board and fight with paints
wish me luck
ps: i am in such a fog all have to forgive me please ok?

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