Sunday, December 13, 2009

some times, it takes a while

i remembered this morning that i have not one but TWO pairs of felted clogs (actually three but the third pair is really a dinner plate)
that i made last year, and that have never been worn.......
well guess what.....?

i'm wearing one pair, the red experimental one
they even fit my ankles!
and in doing so i realized that i can and am going to make the boots this winter, as soon as the holidays are over
i have the yarn, and i think i have the know how (or i will cut and stitch until i do)
and i am going to get cleaty type bottoms for them
i am also planning on them going up to my mid calf!
or almost my knee

i can decide if i want to zip them, lace them or just pull them on
and i want a few more pairs of house slippers.......
i really liked knitting the clog pattern but the enclosed heel and ankle on the new slippers are things of beauty and comfort
much comfort
that bring my feet great joy
AND i can still wiggle my now warm toes
so there
ok with that said...... rho told me she had done some house socks or something,
and i am thinking either them or leg warmers for the winter for me
i guess it's time to hit some good classic wool sales no?
and also some brown sheep sales......................
i have one more scarf to finish....a cowl actually
and then it's on to leg wear for winter

as to the 'thaddeaus eats everything i knit' problem, i am going to get some plastic rolling drawers, he can't get in them.....isn't interested in chewing them, and they will work i think very well
again, on the list for after the holidays

it's cold today but no where near as mind numbing/bone chilling as it's been
i cranked up the stove to clean the chimney, and got a nice hot coal reducing fire going, which i had not been able to do as well over the really cold days,
i think i am going to add some heated cat beds for thaddeaus the baldie, *la perm baldness comes and goes, some always molt boy is one of them, so he's got pink long johns and a woodstove.......*

as to the homicidal duckies...i am going to toss the girls together and then let them duke it out
i need them together in ONE PEN, this 4 bucket over 4 inches of ice thing is getting painful for my back.
momma btw, has started a serious primary flight molt........ NOW?
i wish falstaff would.....his flights are two years OLD now.... and just quills with no actual feathers left. it was suggested that i pull the quills, which would cause the molt to start, but he isn't really handle-able as he was feral when we got him, and over 18 months old.
he's only semi tame now, after all these years

so that's sunday morning, bernie was working on one of our vans yesterday and by the time he got home, brought in wood, and helped me with the girls..... it was dark so we didn't go out for errands.....that leaves us today as errand day

off to town, and it looks like rain..... great more ICE in the back pens


  1. Vi - can you post pictures of your clogs?

  2. Oh thank you! They look great! I have this pattern but haven't knit it yet.

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Did you use the Fiber Trends pattern for those?


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