Wednesday, December 30, 2009

nothing much but lack of sleep really * felted boot estimates

we thought we'd get some sleep......but bernie was up waiting to find out if we had a road call to newark
however after about 1.5 hours of talking and waiting with the driver of the unit...... the driver changed his own tire and we finally got to go back up.
sleep however eluded us again

i am getting closer to the felted boots (or felted boot liners at the moment)
i am going to use the fiber trend 'family classic felt slipper' pattern for the first experiment and add a shaft
the estimate is 1540 yards of yarn
i plan on knitting the slipper first as is....just to see the pattern
and then knitting the slipper and adding a shaft for my leg.....
i plan on about a 9'' tall shaft (over the ankle measurement) for the first run on this boot
and i am planning on using classic wool as well for it
if it works
bring on the brown sheep lambs pride
i got some little boy size 5 winter boots i am going to take apart.
the bottoms are all one peice and that is the only part i am going to keep
i will replace the tops with the felted boots
now if this works i will finally have boots that fit my legs, that are also warm!

and if this works, i can always go back and do as many liner pairs as i need to!
and extra sole inserts

ok now i need to go do something
as i am not awake

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