Monday, December 07, 2009

a preview

it's pretty cold out
went from 60's to
'holy shit is freeken COLD out' in a day or so

the rhodo's out front are beginning to curl their leaves
and we have to stoke the stove more often

most nights it is THREE CAT NIGHT..... where all three cats try desperately to fit themselves inbetween us on a 3/4 sized bed.....(don't ask........ we need a new mattress and then we'll only be up to a full sized bed)

i keep waiting for mice to join us

now onto duckie news, we crated phoebe
we had to

we didn't want to but she's been hiding in the back and laying teeny tiny pigeon sized eggs and then thinking she can brood them
phoebe dear, they aren't ever going to hatch pudding, as they aren't fertile.................
meanwhile momma and lilli continue in the beotch fest that is duckie land right now
even falstaff has gotten 'moody'

bernie's noticed that if he has 'at' the ladies....he isn't so....ahem..........moody
leave it to a MAN to think of that one, but i think he may be right about that
so who do i throw in with him? do i really want to be a duck pimp?
do i need a special hat and coat for that? oversized dark shades? platform shoes?

right now i have to go and take the birds out
i don't want to do that
it's cold out
they don't want to GO out
did i mention the cold out thing?
maybe i will put another log on and heat the chimney and THEN go out?

i have to get water buckets too, as i don't have enough of the unbreakable ones for seperate pens due to ducks from hell with attitude (when good ducks go bad? are they going to rebel now and get their beaks peirced and tribal tats? .....WAIT that is a main stream thing not a rebellion thing now)

ok off i go to start my day
then baking
more baking
lots more baking................

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