torrential pouring never ending rain
soaking the wood for the pens
the ground
doing ducks and pens today is so going to be interesting
and they need to be done
meanwhile i am still stuck with the studio remuddle
ok so partly i haven't been home and you all know how i need to sneak up on that stuff
and partly cause i haven't been feeling great
and last night i dreamt about stewing chickens
that i couldn't get one unless i bought a bushel of green beans at 2.49 a pound!
it's really bad when a fustrated canner is dreaming of produce huh?
i have some zukes to make into pickles though maybe tomorrow
let's see what else
i joined a budgie forum
i really want a few parakeets
i was looking at cages, and found a nice one that is huge and about 200.
but it's got wheels and a 'cat resistant' peaked roof
i could however build it myself
(NOT bernie build it for me, as we all know how long i would wait for that, but it's small wood so i could do it with a jig saw myself)
we'll see
i like the wheels
can you all tell i miss having house birds
the new pullets just aren't cutting it and i miss my marguerite and my little cleo
phoebe is still homicidal but i have hopes that after the molt she'll return to being sweet
lilli is still sweet and loves mom but will run right past me for a worm
momma ironically likes me cause she's got no one else poor thing
any 'duck' in a storm i suppose
falstaff is falstaff and that is all we need say about HIM
the new cousins are a trip
they are very smart and very funny
and it feels like family
see you can get ANYTHING on the internet
even family!
hmmmmm i still haven't done my stuffed peppers
bernie was late last night as he had a road call
it's always the worst weather for them too
cold or raining or snowing or blistering hot
he got home, showered, ate and went to bed
i had done the chickens (which he normally likes to do as they relax him)
i didn't eat though with him as it was too late and while normally that doesn't stop me
i wasn't feeling too good so wasn't hungry
the leaves here are dropping and turning FAST FAST
and early
all the sumac's are dropped already
the big 300 year old sugar maple is all turned and partly down
winter is rushing in
i think it's going to be a hard one this year
cold and snowy and long
i hope we have enough wood
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