Friday, September 04, 2009

and now with NO wheels either

where's my horse???

bernie's van broke down
so guess who's van he's got now

oh man

1 comment:

  1. It may be hard to acknowledge but the advantage to not having wheels is that you can't run around town and get distracted. You have to be at home so you may as well do home stuff that you didn't get done while you were off running around....

    I like Lana's explanation for the sleep issue. Maybe I'll tell myself that when I'm not sleeping. It won't get us any more rest but at least it will relieve the anxiety about why we're not asleep.

    The studio rehab is a huge project. I think you've made good progress, especially given the back issues and everything else. So you and Bernie shouldn't be concerned that there's slow progress. The progress you have made shouldn't be undervalued.

    And it's another beautiful September day here. How's it by you?


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