Wednesday, September 16, 2009

bernie read me the riot act

he's really upset about the studio and the amount of time that i've been out

yeah he's right
i have been out too much

and i have to get back on a now excellerated schedule

i have the porcelain work bench to do
i can do a little bit during the day but i imagine friday i will be really doing it
if i can get it cleared out by saturday, he'll pull it down before he goes out to the duck pens and wood stacking
and then next week i will move the shelves over and also stack the winter wood
i did get the night crates done last night
and got a lot of the rust stains (not all) out of the toilet
and i have squash to can as pickles
i got his toaster cleaned too (since i rarely eat bread let alone toast, i don't pay attention to it)

i did also get a bit of sleep last night, as i took an aspirin and a tylanol pm
for occational use that tylanol stuff works but i can't take it more then once or twice a month

it's getting chilly here
and all the leaves are off the sumacs
the maples are getting there
i have more plants to pot up to come in
the rosemarys need to be repotted as well

oh man it's overwhelming right now

i also know that this weekend we have to get to sam's for some stock up stuff
and i have to get kelp and such for the cat food i am going to be canning soon
(i wish i had a good grinder for the chicken etc)

apparently i have my fall/winter/spring projects all mapped out for me
and i have yet to finish the duck drawings ( although with phoebe molting and homicidal...........)

anyone got some ompfh they can lend me????


  1. B complex vitamin. Sounds weird but I've been "dragging" for years. My mom gave me one of the B energy drinks, and I had energy. Real full energy, not the jittery caffeine energy. When I got home I started taking a Super B Complex and it has helped a lot.

  2. thanks sweetie, i will add that
    bernie takes it
    i take d+a as the doc found i was seriously deficiant in d
    i'll add the b and see if that helps

    ps: i don't think i have your email or i would have emailed you a thank you


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