Friday, September 04, 2009

ok this is me

however the lady got it wrong
i make my own sculptures and my own molds
i do everything inhouse

by hand MY hands
and from scratch

and she just devalued my market

i did email her through ebay
and the purchaser so they know where i am at

that's one of my dolls


  1. That is absolutely gorgeous, Vi. I wish I could afford one. She didn't devalue your market because she had only one to sell. Someone just got very, very lucky.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Looks like the auction is over, and tech-impaired me doesn't know how to view it. Darn!

    Sorry this is causing an issue for you. But I would tend to agree with the other poster that it's just one. If it becomes a pattern, well, then, yeah, problem. But maybe it won't become one!


thank you for your comment- it will take a while to appear on the site, as it does get moderated (to cut down on spammers- i also don't allow backlinks)
i do so appreciate your taking time to write to me