Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Happy Birthday, Kisses!!! & chicken tails

Today is my dog's birthday, she would have been 18.
I woke up thinking of her.
I remember her wonderful happy personality
how she would laugh at me all the time.......
even my dad who was not much of an animal person.....used to look at that dog and tell me she was laughing at me!
( and she was....I would laugh at her too!)
so Happy Birthday my beloved doglet..... you may not be here in person but you will always be here in spirit


BEHOLD, I give thee Chicken Tails

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1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're supposed to break the chicks down by parts until they're dead.

    But nevertheless, those are the cutest little pieces of tail I've seen in a long time!


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