Monday, September 26, 2011

we have survived graveyard for the week

but it took the entire weekend to recover.
so again nothing much got done

we did get down the valley to red wing shoes to get bernie new hikers and ordered him new work boots
they are both electrical resistant, water proof, and puncture resistant and the work boots also have the steel toes
he put the hikers on and said
(in amazement)

'these feel good'

there was another guy trying shoes on too and he said the same thing at almost the same time!
now he's got good boots again
(that worries me when he has crappy boots, but he fights me on that)

we did more pen cleaning
we got the big duck pen (the day pen) packed with leaves now.....they love that as bedding, they play in the leaves.  and it's about time too, as they are all squeaky....
actually it makes me laugh with them squeaky but really it's equivalent to pms- and they run away from mommy squeaking the whole way

lilli however is the funniest
cause she squeaks when you talk to her

malcom saw an opportunity to make (or so he thought) bernie his duck bitch again-
both bernie and i held him down and wiggled his tail.
in duck speak that says

' you THINK you're bigger then me........nope nope nope...i am head drake and YOU are MY duck bitch........ remember that sucka'

he was pretty good last night although we did hose him down

meanwhile, the budgies need to be put together for the winter, the studio cleaned, more wood put in, and the potatoes gotten
all this and my with lethargy.......serious lethargy
actually i am also apparently having a problem with the lymph glands in my head and face-
there is some edema going on and it's not really draining! (how could it not drain out of my face ?)

one more thing on the list for the doc to deal with
(let's hope this new one can find a pulse, and figure out how to take blood pressure- i am tired of interviewing doctors)

oh and huge news for us
fawn caught and devoured a mouse last night
she's got that whole 'i'm a cat and i catch mice' thing now

she ate it under my chair...i got to hear all of it but thanks to computer glasses couldn't see it!


until next time


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