Wednesday, September 14, 2011

after all these years NOW this duck decides he likes me?

am i dying?
is he dying??

today when i went down to take my ducks out falstaff met me at the bottom of the stairs......!
he actually got up and came over to see me!
i spoke to him a few seconds during which time he wagged his tail
and then he followed me ( pretty closely actually)
out to the big pen
we are a companionable pair this elderly drake and i
now after all these years together
it's an enjoyable companionship too
he listens to me and follows along
i talk to him and answers.....
i swear he is the best dog!!! even though he's a duck!

i like older animals
don't get me wrong i love baby animals and adolescent animals and adult animals in their prime
but there is something so touching about an older animal
one that moves a bit slower
with more dignity
who listens! (better then the husband does sometimes)
i find myself really enjoying my walks with falstaff now
talking to him as he talks back to me.... i look forward to our time together
i think he enjoys it also

tonight i let him into the pond area after i took the girls out
he happily bathed and splashed until i came back to tell him it was time to go up
then he walked first into the back pen.....then when i called him again he walked up to the house

what a good boy

i know he is already older then most muscovy live...... and i can tell you

i am really going to miss him when his time to go comes

he packs a lot of personality into his little duck body

til next time

1 comment:

  1. such a nice and touching story Vi. LOOOOOVE it


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