Sunday, September 04, 2011

duck days and chillier evenings

the ducks are loving this weather..... they are not wanting to come in at night either
i am having to carry them
and prudence is the absolute worst at coming in on time
now normally i can get a 'duck eating shovel' to sort of herd everyone in with
pru has got my number.......
she looks at me and says to me

 'yeah right mom, like you're going to use that on us.......hahahaha do i LOOK like i was hatched yesterday?'

she is right of course.... but the OTHERS .....
well it goes something like this

"OMG OMG, mom is got the shovel....that shovel EATS ducks like us......... OMG OMG we are going to get eaten!!!!! HURRY UP ''

now it's not in their best interest to know that mom isn't going to let the shovel eat them.....cause sometimes a duck just has to run into the house and their night crates to go to bed.
if they are poking along and dilly dallying..... bad things can happen.... predators can eat them, mom can FALL....... so it's easier to herd them with something they are afraid of..... ( twiggy branches eat ducks you didn't know that huh?)

however, now that pru is gotten wise to the ways of mom and the duck eating shovels....i am expecting bed time to be a bit harder to accomplish
maybe i need a bed time treat that they only get in the house in their crates?

(btw, shhhh don't tell bernie, but we are getting a new pullet.......she's a very large buff orpington out of 'the general')

and mr malcom is behaving himself (will wonders never cease)
falstaff has taken to sleeping on the furnace pad now.... well i can't blame him
i would like him to have a crate too but he's so tame now *just don't try and pet him or he'll run away* he just goes where i tell him and pretty much does whatever i tell him. amazing huh? he's a FERAL DUCK who was about 2 when we got him..... and had never been handled at all!

bernie worked yesterday, he felt that not enough of his fleet was serviced on time so he went in.....
i waited all day for him.
meanwhile i tried to figure a fix on my featherweight sweater that i'm knitting
i am thinking i am still ok with it at the moment. so i am going to knit down to the armhole divides and then see

in cat news, i finally got the three of them to pee on the blue pads!!! we are making progress here.
soon we will move the blue pads into a 'litter' box and they should follow
(yet another legacy from that jackass neighbor we had and their feral territory marking un-neutered tom cats)
the new neighbors are just as irresponsible with letting their cats out to run free, but at least they aren't dumping too much out back

now speaking of the new neighbors, bernie talked to them last night... they mentioned they saw a large 'white cat four times the size of a regular cat' walking inside our fence
they didn't see a house cat
and yet they still let their cats OUT......
we figure it could be one of a few things
possible lynx
the silver fox
my money is on a coyote......... and yet they still let their cats out.....
oh man

ok now i have to go
we have to get my spoiled rotten getting wise to me ducks out

so ttyl

1 comment:

  1. What are you trying to fix on featherweight?


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