today i found my mother in law..... bernie's long lost mother
ok so she sure wasn't mother of the year....
damn she would take first place in a 'how to abuse you kid and screw them up for life without really trying'
however i found her
i searched for 10 years for her
now between friday and today, and the dentist etc......
my adrenalin has been working even more over time then normal
but then there comes.........
(drum roll)
and i'm there
the crash pretty much sucks
who needs to be a drug addict when you have an adrenal hyperplasia
i am sick, seriously........ to my stomach
and shakey
and depressed as all hell
and weepy
and my mouth tastes funny
and i am craving salt and sweating
lovely isn't it
i think i smell too but it isn't the duck shit that 'bigfoot' so nicely deposited on me
i will take yet another shower today
i will also withdraw a bit
cause in my head it's better if i keep out of folks way, cause in my head i think i am annoying them
ah life with cronic illnesses
but at least the poultry pens are clean
You are not a bother, I enjoy your posts. Feel better.