monday, and me, well tylanol, heat and ice are my new best friends
(and ty cindy for your thoughts)
bernie is going to work but he came home early yesterday, and is trying to get home early today due to pain. meanwhile life and chores go on
so i added bedding to the babies day pen, and pickled some cuc's
also vinegared some salsa tomatoes.....they're in the canner now
i have to do dishes in a few minutes
then start supper
apparently everyone's good thoughts have helped a bit as i found a small stash of my thyroid meds so i have a few more days/weeks? reprieve
we still have to do something about getting a new rx for me however
i have to run now
everything is taking forever for me
I am thinking of you and Bernie both, Vi. You are surely going through a rough patch and I hope the going gets smooth soon!