Saturday, February 20, 2010

day 5- we're gonna be here a while...

now this is an oak leaf......... i am using it as reference, some unexpected stuff happened when i started to draw it in....... a FACE popped up under it! hahahaha. i like to draw off live (this was alive) as much as possible, as i know i am really really good with live models and such. (seriously, when i was in art school all my instructors told me so)
i got into cleaning in the studio a tiny bit, as i was upset. after i cleaned the small drafting/craft table behind my working drafting table i had a couple of visitors......... hahahaha first off DA BOY.......he was trying to appear nonchalant but really he wasn't completely awake and wanted his mommy.........
then fawn came over later and got up there so she could tap my back and gaze at the back of my head willing me to turn around and play with her..... these cats have magical powers you know.
now yesterday (which was thursday as i am typing this friday evening....cause we got errands tomorrow) i gave the ducks baths....and this morning i had three little white ducks again......and one semi white drake. i carried the girls out as there was a hawk wheeling and crying up above. they didn't mind, and i kissed the backs of their heads and told them how much i loved them on the way out.
ok now the latest progress photo, i didn't get a lot done as i had to dig a splinter out of my toe! i knew i stepped on something yesterday morning (thursday) but didn't realize that it was still in there... tiny but there. my toe was all swollen and hurt like hell..... took a while, as first i soaked it in peach scented epson salts....(don't ask, but now my toes smell like peaches instead of, well......feet!) and then i had to dig at it with the tweezers for a was a tiny teeny splinter... but damn it hurt
and stuffs came out of it

ok donald, you still with me??? is everyone else still with me???


  1. still here still wishing i could draw something other that stick figures, love your work

  2. I'm still here too. You have such beautiful kitties with all that curly fur.I have 6 kitties.


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