Sunday, November 08, 2009

on family

we went to visit one of my cousins last night, didn't get home until 2am this morning!!!!

i been thinking of family.
a few times during the evening, we would say stuff and my cousin would say stuff.....
and it was italian had to be raised that way

you can say to an italian kid 'you know how it is'
and they really do

we were taught to have extreme respect for elders, or expect a slapped face, or even a hair brush or slipper thrown at us.

there are things you just do if you are italian, (as with other cultures) without even thinking of it
such as you never show up empty handed... you just DON'T (i brought my freshly baked crispy snickerdoodles....... they loved them)
you put your best foot forward in food etc for guests...and especially family guests
there is no one more important in an italian family THEN THE FAMILY

anyway we had a good time, we laughed, we kidded around and teased each other.....we talked about the relatives living and dead.
we had a good enough time that we actually stayed up way past our bedtime and stayed OUT way past our bedtime

now today, i got a turkey at weis, for .49 a pound.......we did try and get the .40 a pound walmart turkey but our's didn't have any at all for that price.......the cheapest was .60 a pound
so i am going to cook and can this one this week
i have a 21 pounder to cook and can also
and we'll most likely have a turkey breast for the holiday

today we are having homemade pot pie
as i stewed a chicken friday and have stock
i will most likely can this today
i need a few more stewers however

so instead of chicken, this year may be turkey soups and stocks all winter it's 64 degrees out
bernie put the ducks out as i was way too tired today
he is actually home this weekend..... he almost had to go on a road call yesterday but sent a wrecker instead.
he also brought in wood
a LOT of wood and put my wood cart together, and stocked the deck woodpile as well
so naturally it's really warm out...... how could it not be!
anyway.. that is our weekend

hope you all have been having a good one

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