Tuesday, August 25, 2009

and tomorrow is vacation

for bernie!
i slept good last night, still draining the sinus' though

i hope it's ok today cause sinus headache really suck
meanwhile i sat and knitted a tweed scarf

poor bernie got home last night and i was so sick, he was on his own for supper

todays is better
let's hope it stays that way

in duckie doings
phoebe is broody
and bit momma
why do they always bite momma?

i gave falstaff a bath yesterday morning btw,
i caught him trying to get romantic with momma by the pond and chased him up and down the hill spraying him with the hose
he was so wet
he voluntarily hopped into the little pond
when he was done about 30 minutes later..........he was white and the pond water was dark brown and very cloudy
(and when they are molting the pond water turns WHITE...........)
when i went out later to put them away he actually glowed!
i am so sure he felt better too

anyway phoebe is broody so is in the main basement with the chickens
neither phoebe nor the chickens are happy
so they need to go out EARLY today
gee the first couple of years with ducks was easy
this whole pms broody thing........
not so easy
i almost feel as if i need a seperate pen for each duck!

i got the laundry dried yesterday.......amazingly
and even got a shirt hand washed
i have a few more to hand wash this week
i need to iron then
i also need a new iron.............. as my old ones are all full of yuck
and one doesn't actually heat up all the time
(after all they are only 30 year old irons............ still a lot of life in them yet no?)

i got the iron cleaner so i should try that first
but i did see a pretty purple iron, which would be perfect to keep just for clothing........not for crafts no?

and yes i do iron when i have to
normally clothes
not stuff like sheets etc......... mom used to make me iron dad's hankerchiefs
no i don't do that
and bernie doesn't use them anyway
although i've been known to

oh man



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Oh boy, talk about memories. My Mother always ironed Dad's kerchiefs, boxer shorts, as well as the sheets and pillow caes. So it naturally followed that as I got older, and the chore was passed on to me, I had to iron everything as well. I didn't mind though. For some odd reason I always enjoyed ironing. Even earned some pocket money doing it for others for a while. Now I iron when it's necessary, but that isn't very often these days.

    I miss all of my critters (sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese, cows, horses, pigs) but I don't miss all the hard work that went with them at all!

    Have a good day, and enjoy vacation. :)


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