Thursday, July 23, 2009

and yesterday,

i drew

i didn't clean except one load of dishes

i did however wrangle pissy duckies

lillianna is the worst
she is the one that beat up momma
so she is by herself in a crate and momma is in with phoebe

no matter what i did with lil yesterday she remained pissy
i miss my sweet loving duckie

it is a pms sort of broody thing with them
it isn't like with dogs or cats, that they need the vet
it's hormonal
sometime with chickens you cool off their bodies and it breaks the broody thing
i am still learning what works with ducks

sometimes it is simply a matter of change in their sleeping arrangement
which i did last night
i penned lil seperately
finally in desperation i put her in with falstaff, as sometimes having a randy male will stop that hormonal swing

i tried numerous baths

so we'll see how my lil is today
i swear she is jekyl and hyde duck lately

but this too will pass...............
not soon enough, but eventually......

if i survive it

the studio organizing is again at a stand still cause i don't know what to do

this snail pace thing is going to continue
cause it's me doing it

most normal folks would see the studio
would then dig in and in a few hours
it'd be shining and organized and all that good stuff

not me
what's it now? 4 months? three months?

i WANT shiny clean organized but i am not quite sure how to get from here to there

someone told me to empty the room
after i stopped laughing my assets off

i realized while it would be best to do it that way
as we all know
my little stone cottage in the woods is tiny

dog houses are bigger

so i am having to sort of work around everything

maybe i need a tent?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Yes, you need a tent. I'm not kidding. I think it would make your life easier.


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