taken yesterday of the driveway looking towards the street,
the light blew me away........it's so mysterious in the dark area to the middle and right.........actually my van is parked there but i SWEAR i can see elemental spirits flitting in the dark
or at least it would be a good stage for them
i LOVE this photo
love it
and it will be drawn i believe ....next
we got rain, overnight
so today i am just going to take the mighty hunter duckies out and then come back in
no pictures i think
because i don't want to get the camera wet
i am trying to decide on the color illustrations to go with my black and whites
well folks a lot of you asked me to write a book and it looks like it may actually happen
that's why i ask all the time about favorite stories
anyway back to the color work
i am seriously thinking of doing it in sepia ink drawings with watercolor washes over it
maybe a bit of pastel here and there
anyone that has any familiararity ( is that spelled anywhere near correctly?)
want to point me in the direction of some sepia ink pens that are lightfast and have different sized nibs
i can't find my rapidographs ( still.......damn and my set NOW, to replace would cost over 200)
i have to say i am enjoying this
years ago when working in the field, i can now admit i always felt in over my head with some stuff
it was just difficult for me........even after all the schooling and the experience
NOW it feels right somehow
i can't explain it but i think the time is very ripe for this
in fiber news
i am knitting a simple series of cotton placemats
peaches and cream cotton
just cast on 30-38 on large needles ........sized 10.5 or 11 or even 13
and just knit garter stitch until the end
i do need to start hats and mittens for the winter soon
and a few balaclava's
plus socks but that will be more towards end of summer
and i still don't have the garden planted
colleen i hope will help me a bit
it's not going to be too hard
am going to spread a lot of straw in the paths and just put in the beans and the cuc's
that's it for this year due to me messing up my back at the wrong time
don't get old
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