Friday, May 01, 2009

juggling duckies

falstaff broke his wife
he mated her so often and with such passion..........
he ripped the feathers out of the back of her little head and she was all bloody
she got a break and

HE got quarantined


he's in DUCK jail
(it's like lamb jail but with feathers instead of wool)

i put him in the A frame yesterday and her in the day pen against the house
today she is getting the A frame
and he is getting the day pen against the house
only i am going to MOVE the A frame over a bit to give her grazing

why should HE be rewarded for breaking his wife?
such is duck love i suppose but me the momma human decided to intervene

and i am cautiously guarded in stating that my duckies currently are without PMS
my lillianna RAN up to me to be petting wagging her tail
and then ate a bug

all appears to be well in our little duckie world

now the new pullets are laying better

i am starting to get my three eggies a here is a picture of one of them
it was taken through the poultry netting on the top of their pen, that's why it looks a bit odd
and no she isn't grayish
she is a buff orpington
but this photo was taken in Black and White
why you ask?
well it makes it easier for me to draw later when the original is in black an white
YES i am STILL drawing
and now with the new computer glasses, i can actually SEE what the hell i been far not too bad!
i need to give it a lot more time however
i am hoping for rain
i should go and plant beans
and if it DOES rain i just may
possibly cucs too
my garden is a total mess, between all the medical issues and then my back, and then the DROUGHT HERE
oh man
but the lettuces and greens up here are doing well so far
i think i need to get back to the chiro soon, i am still twingie..........
i haven't heard from carol for a few days
i have emailed but i am afraid of calling her cause i make her laugh
(it's like pavloves dogs......... only instead of hearing a bell and salivating....people hear my voice and start to laugh)
i am knitting cotton placemats, currently in peaches and cream cotton
the one i am using for this set is a pastel ombre in sort of dusky pastels
then i will do a set in bright pastel ombre
i have to do some knitted baby stuff.........IN GREEN
oh man what the hell is this with everyone wanting GREEN
i dyed tunis green for sandie
i am looking for a bright yellowish lime green for deb
foamy wants green for the new baby
why not a nice bright magenta?
i love magenta
especially when it's mixed with orange and yellow
i am spinning a nice deep heathery magenta that is going to be plied with a deep red/orange/magenta ply and a yellow/orange/copper ply
then knit into a neckwrap/scarf...........possible cowl for ME
for the express purpose of wearing coppery shawl pins
come next winter
the old and decrepid apple trees are in bloom
so it must be spring
morning everyone

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