Saturday, March 28, 2009

keeping my side of the bargin

one down, how many more i don't know yet
i need my drafting table upstairs
or at least a tabletop inclined drawing board

i would like my drafting table though

ok today we take the animals

i am feeling a bit sorry for me since instead of a birthday present i am giving up my beloved (and much worried over) animals
i can't help feeling i am giving up one of my longest held and deeply felt dreams of a farm

i am trying to not think of it all that much

i am trying to concentrate on the lettuce seedlings
and all that
reminding myself of the blueberries i have to plant and
of the elderberries and cranberries i have to order yet

and the next board i will be working on

probably this weekend but maybe monday..... i should do some rough drawings ahead of the time
i want to draw the ducks

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