Saturday, March 14, 2009

the girls

well today was

'assess a wet duck day'

now i am all wet too

bernie filled the little wading pond up on the driveway and i put three slightly dirty ducks in

(falstaff has to wait until we can give him the small black concrete mixer tray, as he can't be trusted just out and about)

after they splashed around and got thoroghly soaking wet
i picked them up and flipped them over

just as i suspected
they have some cuts on their feet
it was a hard winter and i think between the ice and cold and the rough terrain out back
they got a bit cut up
so i am going to get some stuff for their little feetsies

cleo as usual is the worse
but nothing stops her ( thank goodness)
she is so tiny compared to the others and every thing affects her more

yesterday, i pulled a head of cabbage leftover out of the garden, and went to give it to the girls
i got MOBBED!!!!!!!!!!

as i was turning to get more, i didn't realize cleo was right behind me
and i stepped on her
but apparently i didn't hurt her as she ate more cabbage then the rest of them put together!

but that duck does worry me

it's getting warm now
the girls are back in their day pen preening
they are good girls, as i always tell them

'feather care is so important'

even phoebe, who we all know is a bit of a schlub................

she should be snowy white by tonight just like the others

ok i have to get going now
i too am soaking wet from holding ducks on their backs and inspecting feet

thank goodness they are that tame
falstaff would sooner die then let me flip him over and hold HIM like a baby
but the girls all love it
i kiss their beaks while i talk to them and look at thier toes

oh before i go

in chicken news

the pullets appear to be settling in now without the boys
however i do have one that i can see problems with..........she's an escape artist
i found her this morning on the top of marguerite's pen
which as you all could a HUGE NO NO

ok now i have to get out of my smelly wet duck drenched tee shirt

till next time


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