Monday, February 09, 2009

finding ancestors can be interesting

and i found a second cousin!
what a nice lady

i don't know why, but lately in the winter, after the holidays but before gardening starts,

i turn to the ancestors

those who've gone before

i don't know why it started, but i know that the interest has grown for me
maybe it is the ancestors themselves
i think they may want to be found
that their accomplishments are not forgotten
their lives are remembered
it is also i think the thread that flows through families

this second cousin i found, she told me about the artistic side
which i knew part of

her grandfather was my mom's uncle
he's part of the reason i went to art school!

when i was little, i would sit on my uncle isaac's lap and show him my drawings.
he would tell me that i had what it took to be an artist and if i worked very hard i could be one

he was right
but what i never realized was..............

as hard as i worked in art school and in the 'field'

it wasn't anything compared to being a doll artist
to developing all those ideas
to learning all the ins and outs and such

that was amazing
it was also (thinking back on it now)
THE learning of a lifetime

i found out that on my mom's side of the family... artists, sculptors, writers, they are all represented

i don't feels as much an odd duck as i did before

i come by all this naturally..............
and was all there waiting

in the history of my ancestors

ps: candi, if you are reading this
thank you so very much, you will never know how much your call meant to me

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