Monday, February 02, 2009

but not warm enough

we need to clean the woodstove chimney again i think
it's been warmish
but not warm enough to dismantle the stove after a day of it not burning

i think this means.......................

(insert ominous music here)

using the furnace

oh no..........
that is not a good thing

bernie isn't too happy

well neither am i

but that is what has to be done

so far this week is not started well

i had to tink back the new clog i started
got the yarn all tangled
missed getting a fibertrend family slipper pattern for 2.50
now this with the stove

oh and........... THE BOY is losing his fur AGAIN


so what did i do today?
write checks
and checks and more checks
but not for the furnace
or the chimeny or the pattern

for the attorney from suing that jackass next door
and for board for my sheepies and goatie



oye again

now as to duckies
i got them a surprise
i even braved the iced and hilly driveway to get it out of the van for them

a tiny new bathtub!!!!!!!!
it holds 7 gallons and three tiny duckies comfortable.........
it isn't the spaciousness of their summer pond

but it IS liquid water
and it WAS warmer

did they RUSH to the little bathtub with a song in their heart and graditude on their lips

ok so they don't have lips actually
but work with me here


cleo finally consented to take a sip of water out of it
i put phoebe in it

oh man she acted like i threw her to the alligators............(no that would be NEXT WEEK....after the ungrateful duckies STILL haven't used thier little pond)

then without a backward glance....................

the little duckies from hell
single file down the hill

and stood at the door of their day pen

doing the peepee dance waiting to be let in

sometimes it just doesn't pay to be the momma duck



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