Sunday, January 25, 2009

gee mom there are POLAR bears out there

or so the duckies tell me
they are not eager to get out of the house in the morning

our duckie/momma conversations go this way


yes duckies

'there are polar bears out there'

no there aren't duckies

'yes mom there ARE'

no duckies, we are too far south or north or something

'mom, we're telling you.....................'
( said while hopping on one foot and trying hard NOT to step on the snow covered ground outside the door frame)

duckies, you have to go out to the day pen
your FOOD is in there, so come on...let's go

(nothing like adolescent duckies huh?)

come on girls

'oh, ok, but there ARE polar bears'

it doesn't matter duckies, you guys are white
the polar bears won't see you anyway

so goes conversations with ducks

you expected shakespear?

they are DUCKS


  1. At least you're able to win with the ducks.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    So cute! Give them a kiss from me :)


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