Wednesday, January 23, 2008

we gotta stop meeting this early.....

ok ok
so i haven't actually posted this early lately....but i have been UP
heating with wood means getting up early and getting the stove going

so i literally keep the home fires burning

i am looking into alternative energy

i would like to find a method or systems ( plural even would be ok, say passive solar and geothermal)
that wouldn't be too expensive to do
and could possibly be integrated into an existing dwelling

for when we move

yesterday i was sort of kicking around the net and found some ideas on using manure.

now before you all go..........ewwwwwww
manure CAN be stored in such a way as the odor is not accessible.
and the methane gas can be used for either fuel for cooking or heat

PLUS the heat of the actual 'cooking' compost can be used.......

then the finished compost can be used in the garden

a side product could be a worm farm....... worms for bait and castings for the garden

ok that would take care of heating problems

now how about electricity?
i know windmills, and wind turbines........but they are NOT cheap
even with tax incentives, they are not cheap......nor if i understand it right....
could one of them provide the household with enough electricity to not only go off grid
but to sell some.....
hydroelectric would be one thing......but who has niagra falls in the backyard?

if done correctly...... evenly balanced, it is my belief that a person CAN live on small acreage
AND provide a lot of their own needs for living....
not just survival but really fine living

and it need not be a back breaking endeavor

i just know too that there has to be a truly affordable way to go about all this
and once in place, i believe it would not take too much to run the entire system

animals will excrete without any more intervention then feeding them!

that needs to be moved to a place where it can join other objects of excrement and work together to do what it does best..........COMPOST

these are the things that i think of at 4am while waiting for the stove to heat
so i end up talking about by 5am when i am waiting to wake up

and you all thought i was shallow.......

ah.......wait.......maybe i am!

til next time
and hopefully WITH coffee


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    See, now, think of all that knitting time you have at 4 am, while you're waiting for the stove to heat up!

    I'm a late-at-night-knitting person ... which also means that I do alot of Tinking, too. ugh Imagine how much knitting I'd get done if I didn't spend time unknitting the mistakes I make as my mind goes foggy. :-D



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