Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I got 24 pints of blueberries
for 5.99 a six pint pack......
so doing the math....they are just barely less then $1.00 per pint

I followed directions for drying blues....... I kept them in the dryer thingie all night
this morning did I awake to shriveled and tiny nuggets of concentrated blueberrie goodness???

nope still bloated and soft from the blanching....

ok so on to plan B
freezing the whole berries on a tray in the freezer.......THEN they are to be dumped into the dehyrdrator..... ( the dryer thingie)

we'll see how this tactic works
meanwhile I have about 18 pints reproachfully sitting in coolers.......

and I said I was going to go and get 24 more pints.........
only when I get these processed huh?
I don't have fridge space and my cooler space is seriously lacking....

you can NOT relate........??
hey what sort of life do you lead?

for punishment write 1000 times......... I will explore saving food for the winter like my ancestors

there will be a test on thursday btw.

so what do I do with the over abundance of these blues?

why jam of course......no?
ok so some will be jam but really the most need to be dried for winter muffins.....

I envision jars full of shriveled nuggets of pure blueberrie goodness......

now if only the berries would cooperate.......they don't seem to see the same visions....


1 comment:

  1. how did you blanch them? how's about soaking them in sugar syrup? every dried blueberry i had was sticky with the stuff. (and i LOVE dried fruit, you could send some my way!)

    yummmmmmmmy. blueberry vinegar. i like how this lady thinks!

    "in a world of pure imagination."



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