Thursday, July 27, 2006

bambi's got to die

for eating all my bush beans.

my poor little baby bush beans

they were so happy with their little heads in the sun
stretching up their leafs and soaking up the clean air, soft breezes and soothing rains....

then big bad BAMBI came along and decapitated them

freeken deer didn't leave ONE standing

I piled twiggy branches over the bent and battered leafless little stems......
hoping that maybe a few made it through the gluttony..........

I will find out today

meanwhile another very LARGE fence is on my shopping list........along with a gun,
ammo, pea shooter, poision darts,
stun gun,
and a mobile processing unit
I think we are all fed up with bambi now,

I mean......I leave them tons of food
apples, my roses........ the raspberries......

do they HAVE to eat my garden.........
that's MY space.....
oh and the garlic/hot pepper spray???

well lets just say the deer knocked on the door and asked for MORE.........

damn deer
oh and they ate the bushes on the front porch as well......
what they can't eat the wisteria that took over our house?
or the poision ivy?

and what does eat the poision ivy......?????


and what are we NOT allowed to have due to ZONING?????????????'


I ask you
does this make any sense to you?
or is it me?

if we are going to have something that resembles mammilian napalm........could it at LEAST
take OUT the poision ivy?


I am ready for my coffee now mr DeVille..

1 comment:

  1. two words. electric fencing. just remind bern not to pee on it


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