Friday, February 10, 2006

tomorrow is our anniversary

we were to go out to eat and then possibly some special shopping but since we are expecting a storm.....
we figured we would stay home warm and cozy with our little furry and feathered family.
I kid around a lot about my bernie....
I tease him an awful lot
but really he is a wonderful person
he is interested in almost everything
loves animals
is mostly really responsible.......
has a great sense of humor
loves me totally and unconditionally
( I do know that although I always ask him)
we were so young when we got married
no one thought we would make it
we weren't sure
and there were times where it really didn't look like we would
after all these years
we are still together and totally in love.
and we are each others 'center of the universe'

I wish that feeling for all of you..

til next time



  1. That's the sweetest thing I've read in a long time. Congratulations and love to both of you!

  2. Vi, congrats to you and yours! I loved your parent's second honeymoon story also. You are such a riot! PS we did clip the right wing on each of our "flyers", they seem unsure about flying now, so maybe it worked well enough. We'll see. We just did the simplest cut, not deep. We are giving lots of love and treats to help soothe the feelings. They looked at their wing being cut with a look of disbelief like "what are you doing to my beautiful wing, you can't be doing this!" But they got over it pretty fast. Thanks for reminding me to clip their wings. Andy


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