Thursday, October 28, 2010

it's so sad

all the family having gone home.

the weather here is warmish, so not fall like.
today we have fog ... a LOT of fog
and bernie is very tired. i am so glad that tomorrow is friday, i expect him to sleep in and do some wood and such
we got the cesspool pumped, which seems to have alleviated the burping of the pipes
i need to blitz the house now

has anyone knit aeolian? if so let me know...i am having an issue with printing out the charts!

i can't believe it's almost halloween, then the slide into thanksgiving and christmas.... to new year
we still are not ready to light the woodstove
with the family in and out all summer a lot didn't get done
including the replacement ceramic fiber blanket in the top of the woodstove, but it's sitting there waiting
we also didn't get a tank of oil either

bernie seems to have sold the white van
which leaves us with my van .......just one running vehicle
i am not so sure that's a good idea

ok in garden news we still have tomatoes!
and i have more garlic to plant
because of the weather and then the family coming i am behind on that as well
but as i realized, after all the excitement i need down's that adrenal thing again- i try to fight it, however it kicks my ass every time.
(we also were NOT eatting right while colleen was here since we ate out daily due to being in nj so far away from home)
i am still in down time, and overwhelm's going to take a while

ok i best go now

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