Sunday, October 03, 2010

and the countdown begins......

28 days (giver take)
i love halloween
not the gory stuff
but the pumpkins, ghosties and witches..... bats, cats and full moons
add that to the fall leaves, apple cider, doughnuts, etc....
oh yeah am i ever THERE
we've been putting some stuff up in the house now.... since jackass neighbor is gone we feel we can celebrate now!!!
so pumpkins are starting to show up all over the house....... hmmmm even in the bathroom
did i mention i love halloween?
ghost story books are on the nightstand
and the mantel
and i am trying to hang orange lights over my drawing space...mmmmmmmm orange lights!!!
 meanwhile in family news, my sister in law colleen is coming back, not only to come to rhinebeck with us but to visit her mom who she's not seen since i think she was.....11?
and of course to meet kevin
one of my other sister in laws may come to rhinebeck as well (rhinebeck is on her birthday) and i hope our new friend susan comes with also
we'll be meeting vicki and bob up there ..jen and scott are following us
life seems very sweet right now
in spite of the heat coming on during the night..which can only mean one thing,
and i can't wait... i love my woodstove so much!
sadly however, after halloween comes the much harder darker times of the year.... when i freeze putting the animals out, and when i worry about if i am going to be able to haul water out and wood in by myself.
but right now i am not going to worry about that....
i am going to revel in halloween and rhinebeck....... the BEST TIME OF THE YEAR!

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