Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3am and stoking the stove

it was really warm here last night
almost 60!
so warm that i could NOT get the woodstove to draft enough
so i got as good a fire going as i could
and went to bed
3am it's getting cold in the house

yup time to stoke the stove
and as it was a 'cold' fire
i am sitting here waiting for the new fire to take off well
it looks like it is trying to so maybe i won't be up too long

i am waiting the results of a lyme panel
although the pa lyme association said that the doctor should be treating me
i had called and asked for the antibotics
and she told me until the test comes back no
our old doctor treated me as soon as i walked in with the ticks
( that was like 9 years ago......too bad he doesn't take this insurance)

we had another doctor in nj that wouldn't even order the lyme test, he told me that pa didn't have deer tick!

so far me and all the uphill neighbors have had lyme at least once
and a few had undiagnosed lyme that cause a lot of problems a few months after the initial infection
needless to say
i am very concerned about no antibotics yet
it's i think 5 weeks out from that last bite
i have i believe a total of 10 known tick bites
never mind how many of the little nymph bites.......only ONE of them did i actually find
they are about as small as the period on this sentance

i have woken up sometimes in the morning to a tiny bite with blood streaks all crusted up from it

so i imagine that would be the smaller ones

oh and i did get a very large hemotoma from the lab work
well that tech did warn me i would

she was right

til a more reasonable hour



  1. Hope you feel better Vi!
    Good luck with the Lyme test and I hope they give you something ASAP!
    Are there pics of your ducks and chicks? I know you are on dial up so I am guessing no?
    Miss hearing you on canning2, sure you have your reasons (everyone is flabbergasted that you have left and no one will say why)
    On a happier note - take care of yourself, Bernie and all your feather and fur friends!

  2. Hi Vi,

    Hope you're feeling better soon! As Kristy said, Canning2 is missing you. Lots of speculation, accusations and comments going on there.

    Enjoy your day of knitting.



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