Tuesday, February 05, 2008

i can't sleep

i spend the day ill again, this flu thing is pretty bad

i WAS better then went out to feed the ducks......
i ended up shaking, in a cold sweat, nauseus, dizzy, and very very weak!
just from carrying a bucket of water out to the ducks

i do that daily!

anyway, i went to bed normal time and couldn't sleep.
Thaddeaus couldn't either and kept getting on the bedside table, knocking a book off.....
and jumping off

now i got a LOT of books on my bedside table.... he was aiming to knock all them off.

bernie got upset so i dragged thaddeaus under the covers.....which is where he wanted to be anyway

but i still couldn't sleep so here i am

i was thinking about a ton of things

this upcoming election, which i intend on voting in..... now this will be my first time voting EVER, i never knew enough about it before, but after last election, i was so shocked at what i thought the smarter then me people in america did.....i swore i was going to vote in this election..... i just never knew enough before......but my friend pieheart explained it to me enough for me to really start to understand. i am smart about a LOT of things.....but politics doesn't make much sense to me.....

my chickens who aren't laying- i spoke to the folks i got them from, and they feel that the ladies are taking a break. And with the return of warm weather and longer days they will resume. i still ordered three new pullets.....yup buff orpingtons.....we are going to have chickie booms again. AND, we are going to change the ladies schedule... only 8 hours of light a day for a week or so then increase it gradually

how on EARTH we are going to move in this really tough housing market.... this is a biggie, as we need to get the sheep and goat home...... it was only for two years they were to be boarded..... i didn't figure this bad a market...... plus there are a number of things i want to get started, the orchard, greenhouse, tilapia experiment, passive solar, worm farming for castings for the garden, maybe even some more alternative energy and also more heritage breeds and veggies

trying to figure a way to be able to retire in 15 years.... another biggie, we don't have nearly enough savings, another reason i want the farm so bad, i figure it is a win win all the way around, we feed ourselves and sell our surplus, the money saved goes into retirement along with our regularly budgeted retirement savings

worried about finding a closer place for my sheep and goat so i can see them......if we can't move this year.....it was only supposed to be 2 years.....violet is two now....

wondering how long this flu from hell is going to get me.......it really has me phsycially weak i can't take much more of this, i am not used to not being able to do my chores

trying to figure what we are out of in our little storage system....... that long term food storage etc system i started two years ago has stood us in very good stead, for the most part, we have almost everything we need in emergency. This bout of flu was even semi planned for, but i didn't have enough theraflu....however i did have some.... so bernie sick as he was did NOT have to go out with his abcessed tooth to get more to break my really high fever

wondering how to get the dead tree out front taken down without going broke or having it fall on the house.... it's gettin worse, i looked at it today, but boy the wildlife LOVES it....that is why i haven't actually been in a huge rush to get it down..... i know they could use the help but it's starting to get dangerous now i think..... so even if we top if off at ten feet......they get the benefit...... we don't worry

oh yeah....i do worry RIGHT

no wonder i can't sleep

i didn't want to disturb bernie ( although neither of us sleep well without the other one there.....we better die together or no one will get any rest in peace)

so i figured i would come down.... stoke up the fire again
maybe knit a bit
write some of these worries down.....maybe i can figure a solution to some of them

see if any of my friends around the world are up..... isn't it daylight yet in england?
or how about australia?

or maybe just sit by the fire and see if i can get tired enough to sleep

til next time


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