Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The penny thief

a story about a tiny little person.

When I was young, my neices lived with us.
I had the bedroom upstairs....... ( mine all mine..............)
I always had a habit of leaving my loose change around...... I would empty my pockets and toss it.
I trusted EVERYONE in those days

my baby neice who couldn't have been more then 3 at the time had a real thing for pennies......
she would grab them in her chubby little hand and scream 'my money' in delight.

we would tease her by offering her a quarter and three pennies........ she would ALWAYS take the pennies.

this particular day..
I was upstairs in late afternoon/early evening.
I was taking a nap as I had just gotten my period
I remember being so tired
my Bed was also right by the door.........

this little baby neice thought she was sneaking up on her aunt..............
but stumbled over a pile of change!
she couldn't resist it
( if you all could see me giggling while I type this)

she GRABBED the change.............. oh my
she got SO excited
she forgot she was to be sneaking up on me and screamed 'MY MONEY!!!!!!'
and started running out of the room
she was so excited that she never noticed that I reached out and grabbed her by the collar and took the money out of her hand.............
it was like a cartoon

she got downstairs and ran to dad

she went to show him 'her' money
and looked down in her hand to find it empty!
the poor kid started to cry!

my dad was trying not to laugh, cause he realized by then what had happened..
plus I was standing at the foot of the stairs now with the handful of change

we let her pick all the pennies out of the change and I tried hard to remember not to leave it laying around

but I still laugh when I think of her doing that.

til next time
who has some good news to tell you all
and is going to the tunis farm tomorrow for a lamb cause it is my birthday!


  1. happy birthday! that story was DAHLING! have fun with the baby lambies, and the baby goaties, etc. is this lamb coming home with you? (i sense lamb diapers in the making) no wonder i get along so well with you, you're an aries too!

  2. Happy Birthday Vi! I loved the story too, Thank you. Enjoy the Tunis! All is well, Andy

  3. Great story! Happy Happy Birthday! Baby Lambkins are so cute hope you had a great day!

  4. Happy Birthday late!


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