Monday, January 23, 2006

I gave up and called the doctor

Ok I am on these meds to treat this insulin resistance.....
they had some nasty ass side effects
I suffered through the 'gastric' upsets that had me in the bathroom 5 out of every 24 hours
through the nausea that sets in all the time
through the light headedness.........
( some folks would say I was light in the head prior to this all.......but hey)

however the malise and the lethargy have got to go
I can't even freeken knit
I can manage going down to see my chickens twice a day
and putting a log on the fire every two hours
that's about it
and laying down
I can manage that
I have trouble with remember to eat
and to take the meds
poor bernie is beside himself

so I called the doctor

naturally I haven't heard back from her
but I didn't expect to for a while........
probably by friday
I hope I am awake for the phone call

oh and I haven't had a period since november either
I had better not be knocked up
or bernie will get a do it yourself Vasectomy

with an exacto and a rubber band

( cause he was supposed to get a real one after the ruptured ectopic.......hmmmmmmmmm wonder who didn't get the big v????)

meanwhile my boobs hurt
like they have been repeatedly mashed in that poundy thing at the fairs......
you know the one that uses the slegde hammer and you try to hit the top
they feel like the sledge crashed THROUGH the top

air hurts
my bra hurts
my SKIN hurts
oh man

isn't it wonderful being a GIRL
can I be a goldfish please now..
I don't see sore boobs on a goldfish........................

ok the roosters
monica informs me that moe moe is starting to crow again
so he is getting adjusted
curly is repeatedly asking for hens to be brought out
( that's my boy)

so the boys are doing well
as soon as I feel better I am going out there with shrimp to see my boys

I wonder if they will remember me???????

til next time



  1. Poor dear little Lambie! You sound menopausal to me, which isn't all bad as it passes. It also has peaceful times to pause and take a breath, spin, and knit during those and have tea in a special cup in front of the fireplace. Get a method of things that help make you feel cozy, ask other women our age to help suggest things, they will love to help! God bless, Honey, hug a chicken.

  2. i'm sorry you feel so crappy, vi. do try to have a cuppa herbal. it might help. and i would call that doctor repeatedly, until you get an answer. calling more than once gets the point across that you're desperate, and may soon be showing up at the office with irate family members in tow. it's what i did for sean, lol. sometimes they call back when you're not able to answer, or when you're not home, etc, and are horrible about leaving messages. and with this new hippa crap (and it is crap) they can't even leave detailed messages. call her again, dear.

  3. Oh, Vi, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. I really do love reading your posts, and I'm glad to know you have someone fussing over you. I would call the doctor again. As many times as you have energy for, until you get a response. Please snuggle in, drink something warm, and turn off for a while.


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