Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Worrying the chicken

as you all know, or would know if you read this blog.....
we are to get chickens.....
more specifically CHICKS
6 of em
even though I don't WANT 6
they come by either 6 or 25..........( who the hell figured out THOSE numbers????????? a dyslexic math challenged brainiac?.......never mind)
So they tell me half will be BOYS.........we don't WANT boys, as they make NOISE....
( yes ALL males are annoying like that....human, animal............. Extraterrestrial.......they got testosterone they are annoying like that)
But that is 'OK, CAUSE we will take them back when they crow, we won't however GIVE YOU A REFUND'
gee they will be about 10 weeks old......... broiler size...........hmmmmmmm
what is the fate of male chickens that no one wants.........?

BARBECUE sauce and a rotiserie.........
with a side of slaw......

yes I see where I am going to raise chickens for someone else's dinner...............

ok my dilemma is
where do I KEEP all six babies while they are under the grow light...... ( it is actually a HEAT lamp but hey)
I can't let HIS highness the imperially fluffy MR THADDEAUS Peabody......... or his great great grannie, FAWN anywhere's near them......or we will have 6 DEAD and dismembered chickens.....

I can't keep them in the basement NOR outside.....
( that would be like a bit of a chicken nugget for the hawk........ three day old baby chicks and there ARE 6 of them........just like a FAMOUS fast food joint huh? only for raptors, with fly IN service......... WHAT kind of sauce would you like with that there mrs hawk????)

I have boxes and an X pen.........
or an old aquarium, but these little birdies are going to get BIG.........
orpingtons are one of the 3 BIGGEST breeds of chickens...... ( just so the soup pot isn't lonely incase we get ALL roosters.......... vi-heartless bitch)

so anyone have ANY ideas that will help me here
please please post them to comments...........????

how do I get myself into these things Ethel?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Vi - I used a kiddie swimming pool to enclose the babies - they lived upstairs with the door closed but if you have a basement that would work too - just somewhere you can close the door against the predators in the house....Crey


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