Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The saga continues..........

now we have a lot to cover so pay attention my beloved chicklets.
( and remind me if I forget anything)


Moron neighbors : apparently at the moment elle mae is trying to appease her soon to be former penis ( the legally? wedded one) Meanwhile back at the 'sty o lust' , current penis continues to lay low.......( did I just SAY THAT?) while moving out as fast as he can. HIS neighbors wanted the soon to be former penis to run over that trailer with the dump truck as it smells......... really really bad, like dead bodies, even when the windows are NOT opened.....
I really don't like the pictures that is bringing up do you?
oh and their pool is a lovely glow in the dark shade of GREEN.

The Chicken Project: Progress is being made, as I found a Buff Orpington breeder right over by CAROLE's house!!!
All I need to do is make a chicken tracker, get some metal feed bins, some chicken feeders/waterers and we are in to speak. These will be pets that will help cultivate the garden and fertilize the soil, and give us eggs all year round.
I think three is the right number, don't you?

Our furry family: Amber isn't as senile as I thought, she is just doing her bit to piss me off. She tried to pee in the living room, I caught her and asked her

'what the hell are you doing?'
SHE RAN to the litter box, jumped in and peed in there....
Senile my patoot.........
she is trying to kill me.
it is as simple as that.
Calpurrnia told the mouse exterminator that he was her daddy.......... good thing her REAL daddy didn't see that......or Calpurrnia would be back sleeping in the living room without her own comfy mommy pillow.
Mommy would not like it either.
Fawn could not be reached for comment as she was too busy telling off Thaddeaus' knocked up squirrel girlfriend off.
Thaddeaus is watching Wilbur the ground hog out back.
My monthly: Full blood has arrived along with the assorted aches, pains, annoyances and irritations that entails.
I am officially engaged to the porcelain goddess upstairs in the bathroom now.... I mean I am spending so much time there that I may as well be.
don't piss me off as there is a broom with your name on it.......who ever you maybe....
But I will be fine in a day or so........
after my entire lower body drops off into the sea.
( one could hope can't one?)

Anyway, the actually accomplishment of any real work at this 'special' time is a freeken joke as I can't remember shit .......( there is a pun somewheres in that statement) and my legs won't hold me up even if I could remember what the hell I was trying to do........
THANK goodness for having cooked ahead like I did.........cause we all would have starved if I didn't.
the dolls: are coming along.......... of course everything comes to a screaching halt when the 'MONTHLY" shows up, but in a day or so I will be back at work........
until then you all should be sending me cheesecake..

Knitting news: I am half way done with the 'wonderful wallaby' it is going to be for the yarn store as a sample and also as a support for one of the sweater classes there, the one I will be teaching......
I have discovered teaching is a lot of fun......... and I get to be a real smart ass and no one throws tomatoes at me.........ha.........

ok that is all she wrote
til next time


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Your neighbors are so much more interesting than mine - though I do get to look like the wicked witch as I chase after the 4 wheeling idjits on my bicycle (caught them too!) We wondered what happened to the beautiful little crab tree we planted last year til I caught the youngest of our furries, Iorek "watering" it - apparantly he's changed the PH mightily in the last year.....Crey

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    You ARE getting Orpingtons! I'm not going to say it.
    And hey! I'm a girl today too!
    Freaking moon.

  3. gee, vi, you must be one powerful female, you've got us all swaying to your cycle. mine starts on monday, and steph's is this week (maybe that's why she's not calling).

    one question though. the original/former penis, is he the one who pissed y'all off so badly to begin with? and current penis, is he moving out by himself, or are the whole litter and sow going with him (in reference to your "sty 'o lust" (forgive me, i originally typed that as love, how forgetful of me).

    dead bodies? glow in the dark green pools? are you sure you're not related to stephen king? that sounds like an excerpt from tommyknockers!

    carry on (just think, the moon will be full on friday, then the freaks will really come out!)

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    You're getting chickies!!!! Orps!!!!
    And remember-It's a tribal thing...


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